Day 3

Day 3. Porrino to Redondela
10 miles

We are surprised at how different doing a camino is than doing an English long distance hike. I would say a camino is more of a walk than a hike. The pilgrimage is following a route of coastal towns so there is quite the mixture of passing through the outskirts and even middle of towns and then also getting to walk through wooded areas in between. One of the biggest differences for us is that walking on asphalt (which is pretty tough on the feet) goes so much faster than hiking up hill and dale! Going 10 miles goes quickly with lots of diversions of cars, people, buildings and then being graced with a “walk in the woods” every once in a while. We love how people in this area obviously respect the age old tradition of doing a pilgrimage. Even though we are tramping through neighborhoods and interrupting traffic as we cross busy streets, people stop and often wish us a “Buen Camino!”

Poor Roger had his knee bound with three different supports today, but managed and came out victorious! We found a pharmacy and ice packed it and he was a trooper, pressing through and making it through the day none the worse for walking on it.

Breakfast of … champions??? Ok, a celiac’s nightmare, but looks oh, so yummy! And, of course, a teeny, tiny little cup of coffee.

Finally through town, we crossed over onto a path through the woods…

Some of the camino and some of the sights along the way:

My beloved … 🙂

Orchards, orchards everywhere!!!

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